ADS John R Turtle Clinical Skills Training Course
The ADS John R Turtle Diabetes Clinical Skills Training Course is designed to be practical and interactive. It will be run by experienced clinical endocrinologists from across Australia and will focus on everyday clinical skills required in the treatment of diabetes by endocrinology trainees. The course is supported by the Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) in Endocrinology from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP).
To honour Professor John R Turtle in his retirement, the ADS have resolved that the Course on an ongoing basis will be named The John R Turtle Diabetes Clinical Skills Training Course for Advanced Trainees in Endocrinology.
The 17th ADS John R Turtle Diabetes Clinical Skills Training Course will be held on Friday 23 August 2019 from 1:00pm to 5:30pm following the ADS/ADEA Australasian Diabetes Congress at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, NSW.
(Please Note: This course is by invitation and is for Advanced Trainees in Adult Endocrinology ONLY)
To register for the 17th ADS John R Turtle Diabetes Clinical Skills Training Course:
Registration for the course closes on Wednesday 31 July 2019 but early registration is encouraged as limited places are available. The ADS Secretariat will contact you in due course to confirm your registration. All trainees must also register for the Australasian Diabetes Congress in Sydney to attend the ADS JRT Course.
(Please note that you must also register for the ADS JRT Course via the ADS website. Walk-up registrations on the day of the course will not be accepted).
Please contact Linda Valenzisi at the ADS Secretariat via email at: linda@diabetessociety.com.au if you have any enquiries regarding the course.
The Australian Diabetes Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support provided from Servier & Eli Lilly Australia for the ADS JRT Course.